Resurrecting like the phoenix bird

Training projects for companies, teams or individuals,.. it doesn’t matter. The point is that companies and almost everyone needs to keep improving their team skills. A new era is raising and NOW more than ever everyone is realizing that we need many more mathematics, engineers, programmers, data scientists, people with Machine Learning & Deep Learning skills, DevOps, GitOps, MLOps, and so son…

So from several years in the background without publish anything, I’m happy to announce that this site is not dead anymore. I’m so happy to announce that we will not only keep publishing but we are working on a very interesting projects to create a Cloud Factory for mainly DevOps and very cloud oriented. Actually the main objective is to prepare all the students to pass the AWS certification exam ( anyone of them ).

More good news! Now it’s not only me there are a lot of really well prepared and professionally certified instructors that are joining the project willing to share their knowledge and expertise with you.

Some of the topics that we will cover:
> AWS Cloud Practicioner
> AWS Solutions Architect Associate
> AWS Solutions Architect Professional
> AWS Specialties ( Machine Learning, Security )
> Terraform from zero to ninja
> CloudFormation bootcamp
> Building pipelines like a pro

> Kubernetes deep dive
> AWS EKS bootcamp

Most of the courses will be focused and prepared for professionals already working on IT and they will have quite an ADVANCED LEVEL. Anyway there will be an interview process for each candidate to see if they can fit into the class or maybe must attend to a previous/more basic course.

We don’t want to leave anyone out, but also can’t let anything stop us or makes us go slower with the more advanced students, that’s the main reason for the interview acting as a kind of filter. ( You wouldn’t like it probably either ) So, if for any reason do you think that some course is missing please let us know and we will try to cover it. ( Azure certifications, k8s certification, you name it! )

More exciting news are coming but I will save something for the next year :p !

See you soon!

We’re moving! – Nos movemos!



This is probably the last post in, because with Dr.Linux incorporation, the entire blog is going to be migrated to: There will be more nice features, I mean: The blog and the training website and a nice web page as a frontend to explain everything. Basically the main idea is to create a website (HOWLINUX WORKS) that contains all the blog posts + a free e-learning platform to make tests and prepare for the certification exams. It’s still in development but soon you will hear about us.

If you’re not subscribed yet, just register here to recieve news about us.
Also you can follow us in our Facebook and Twitter accounts.


Thank you for your trust.


Este va a ser probablemente el último post en, ya que con la fusión de Dr.Linux, ahora todo el blog va a ser migrado a Va a haber muchas nuevas funcionalidades. Me explico: El blog el campus virtual y una página web fantástica en frente de todo para explicar como funciona. La idea principal es unificar las posts del blog y el website de «entrenamiento» para hacer tests y prepararse los exámenes de certificación.

Aún estamos en desarrollo pero no tardaremos en salir y oirás hablar de nosotros.

Si aún no estás inscrito regístrate aquí y te mantendremos informado.
También puedes seguirnos en las redes sociales: Facebook y Twitter.

Nos vemos en HOWLINUX.WORKS!

Gracias por vuestra confianza!

Operaciones con LVM (II)

Buenos días! De los creadores de la pasada entrega de LVM, llega Operaciones con LVM, la segunda parte de estos posts donde explicaremos cuales son las tareas más comunes con LVM y como realizarlas.

Una de las múltiples ventajas de las que dispone LVM es la posibilidad de hacer esta clase de operaciones sobre los sistemas «en caliente», es decir sin necesidad de tener que parar la máquina o reiniciarla para nada, (=lito que en windows xD).

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Cómo montar un servidor de páginas web con apache2


Hoy hablaremos de apache. El más que conocido y mundialmente extendido servidor de páginas web.
Lo tenéis disponible para casi todos los sistemas operativos.

Apache, como servidor de páginas web dispone de múltiples funcionalidades a cada cual más peculiar/compleja. Pero hoy no hablaremos de nada complicado. Montaremos un simple servidor web con soporte para múltiples websites o vhosts para poder alojar y servir varios sitios web en un mismo servidor.

Primero de todo aclararemos conceptos. Lo más normal es que queramos ejecutar un servidor LAMP (Linux Apache MySQL y PHP) ya que la mayoría de CMS’s, ERP’s o aplicaciones web (Joomla, WordPress, Prestashop, etc… ) que hay, están desarrolladas sobre estas tecnologías. Cabe mencionar que hay otros frameworks o aplicaciones que corren sobre Python, como por ejemplo Django y algunos otros sobre Perl o Ruby.

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Securing your servers with firewall and port knocking techniques + fail2ban


Hi there! today’s post is about securing a little bit more our servers using iptables as a firewall and port knocking for special requirements. Finally installing and configuring fail2ban to avoid brute force attacks and so on.

Everybody knows that one of the best ways to secure your server is to put a firewall in front of all your services. The firewall/s must be configured in restricted mode ( block everything except authorized connections) , instead of permisive mode (allowing everything except denied connections). Anyway we can configure or Linux servers with TCP wrappers like inetd o xinetd as superservers. Allowing or deying connections depending on how we configure those super servers.

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Implementing Nginx as a web server and a reverse proxy

Just to explain in the class I made some kind of small practice to better explain how reverse proxying works.

Most of the time devops or sysadmins are forced to put in production some app/webapp developed by any external team/provider. In addition this «strange» software is coded in some language that isn’t PHP. It can be python, can be perl, can be NodeJS or something else. And you have to put this software in production into the next URL:

How to achieve this? With reverse proxy

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Saving time with vim editor


How to create macros in vim editor

I’ve been talking so much in class about the nice and amazing features vim has. Specially the ability to edit or save macros and even record and reproduce it later for further use.

So today I’m going to teach you how to create a simple macro to insert a bunch of text inside your file, just typing some word. Imagine, for instance we want to create an HTML structure or any other programming language. Or just insert a GPL license headers into all our code files. Better you have a nice method to do it or it’s going to be a hard task.

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How to setup HAproxy stats

Load Balancer example

Load Balancer example

Most of the times you have to deploy a balanced IT scenario, it’s not enough to install and configure the load balancer (haproxy). Even if it’s enough, to keep it working probably you will want to have haproxy stats.

Just to take a look at the stats, to  monitor the haproxy stats into a grafana dashboard or whatever is the reason, you will need to perform some changes into haproxy’s configuration file in order to enable the stats, protect and secure the stats panel with access credentials.

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Adjusting retention time for graphite-carbon and updating whisper files


After installing and setting up all your metrics systems, there are still some tasks to do. For instance you see in grafana that yous system it’s storing only 24 hours of graphs. Why?

Well this is directly related to carbon configuration. In this post I’m going to show you the most relevant aspects about aggregation methods and storage schemas and how to configure it properly to have for example five years of metrics without loosing resolution across the time. By the way, keep in mind that increasing the number of metrics and datapoints stored, is going to have an impact in your disk space.

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